This December, the REMHub consortium partners from Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, and Finland gathered in Helsinki for a milestone event—the project’s physical kickoff meeting. The two-day event united partners to kick start the collaboration on developing resilience in rare earth element (REE) and permanent magnets value chains in the EU.
United in a Vision for the Future
The kickoff began with an inspiring welcome by Merie Kannampuzha from CLIC Innovation, the project coordinator. Reflecting on the collaboration of 24 partners from six countries, she emphasized REMHub’s mission to create a cutting-edge digital hub that strengthens Europe’s REE supply chain.
Pia Salokoski of CLIC Innovation presented the initial plan for the work package to create a hub for domestic capacity development for REEs and permanent magnets in the EU.
Oliver Davies from the Institute for Method Innovation presented the critical topic of stakeholder engagement for REE value chain development in the EU. Niko Pentikäinen presented the visual identity and templates for REMHub from CLIC Innovation. The partners presented the overall coordination and management processes for the project. The task leads described the requirements for deliverables during the initial months.
The first day ended with a general assembly meeting with representatives from each of the consortium members. The partners continued their collaboration discussions during the working dinner as well.
The second day included presentations by the work package leaders of recycling technologies, magnet production, and primary production of rare earths: Alice Tori from OSAI, Danijel Rodić and Barbara Bertoncelj from Domel, and Nora Jullok from the University of Oulu.
The REMHub project aims to develop LCSA, traceability of REEs, a digital magnet passport, and digital twins of REE processes. The partners discussed the implementation details and required data for the processes.
The event highlighted the need for stronger collaboration to tackle challenges like resource dependency and environmental sustainability, which are significant issues in the REE industry. Participants engaged in practical discussions, from improving traceability in the value chain to exploring innovative ways to involve stakeholders.
Collaboration at the Heart of Progress
A key takeaway was the importance of effective teamwork. Partners exchanged ideas on maximizing impact through streamlined workflows and transparent communication. The focus on cross-border cooperation underscored REMHub’s role in fostering resilience in Europe’s REE value chain.

Looking Ahead
The meeting concluded with a clear roadmap for the next steps. From stakeholder engagement to advancing innovative technologies, REMHub is set to deliver its first major milestones in the coming months.
Stay tuned as REMHub leads sustainable innovation in rare earth elements. Together, we are creating a more substantial, greener Europe.